Saturday, January 15, 2022

Living in the Fog

 We needed internet service, and somebody had to provide. In Payson, Arizona the internet providers are confusing, and there is no cable internet where we live. The internet man came, and he is a hard working fellow who owns the company. He seems to be competent in electronics.  Somehow as usual Kadizzle got into politics and other matters with him. No the scary part. Too many times you meet someone and thing they are on the same planet you are, then you find out wow, you were wrong. The number of strange crazies wandering around is astonishing. Back to internet man. Somehow at the end of the day after struggling to get our internet working internet man and Kadizzle struck up a conversation. Kadizzle gave him the IQ test. Did you vote for Trump? Yes was the answer. Kadizzle thought the guy was smarter than that. Next Kadizzle asked what he thought about climate change. This is were the fog set in. Internet man said climate change was because of another solar system that is going to collide with ours. Planet X revolves around two suns, most solar systems have two suns according to internet man. How many people are wandering around believing Trump lies, planet x nonsense, and so on. Well you got the Mormans a group of insane people believing a story a con man cooked up. Then of course you have the Trump Cult. They are thick here. It is downright scary to know you are living among people capable of believing the most insane things. The wallygonkles are all over the place. 

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