Thursday, January 06, 2022


Kadizzle has taken on the task of building a rock wall in the back of our home. The process gives Kadizzle a lot of respect for every stone structure he sees. Moving large rocks by hand with ancient equipment is a daunting task. To build a wall one must first gather the rocks. Harvesting 2 and 3 hundred pound rocks is not like picking tomatoes. If the old man can get four rocks a day it is a victory. Kadizzle is using a hand truck and brute strength with a few levers, and picks thrown in. The landscape here is covered with stones. To make a wall the stones ideally have to be flat on both sides. All the flat rocks did not grow right by the house so many of them have to be moved fifty or a hundred yards. Moving rocks does provide some exercise. Now think on the scale of the pyramids. To the mix Kadizzle added another element. He went to the Home Despot and bought a chisel to shape some of the stone. Again this is not do da. The next time you go by a huge stone building from way back when think about the work that went into it. 

As a side note every rock is not small. One extremely large rock took Kadizzle two days just to flip over and move about three feet. It was a puzzle and took a hydraulic jack and a lot of lumber. A rock that size you move inches at a time. One thing Kadizzle learned in the rock game is the power of a lever. Before cranes and modern equipment levers were the workers. It is amazing that you can take a seven foot strong piece of wood and move a large rock with ease. 

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