Friday, December 03, 2021

Where are the good people?

" Evil prevails when good men fail to act".  Evil in the form of Republicans is prevailing. Good men are failing to act. Reading the news and seeing how openly the Republicans cheat, lie, and steal is discomforting. Thugs have learned from the Republicans with the new mass stealing at stores how to just overwhelm normal people. Stupid people act in mass to destroy our democracy. The assault on the Capital was no different from a smash and grab operation. The Hoopleheads cheer the bullies. Republican congressmen are cheered when they promote the virus. Again normal people idly stand by and think it will all come out OK. Normal people are nice, polite, and thoughtful. It does not work anymore, but normal people continue to be nice to the Hoopleheads. Normal people do not realize there are far more Hoopleheads than they ever thought. 

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