Sunday, December 19, 2021

A Changing World

 People's choices about how they live have become less restrained, and that is a good thing. In recent times we have become friends with more gay people. Our new friends are intelligent, and interesting. They add spice to our lives. Living in a tolerant society seems to be a good thing. Since we are in the heart of redneck Trump land seeing gay people navigate the landscape is interesting. The rednecks seem to have adapted. Gay people have money, and they spend it, just like black people do. No matter how right wing and redneck you are as a businessman you will not do well if you offend minorities.  In the old days we had unions to protect people, but strangely our economy protects minorities even though Republicans don't want them to vote or have a decent life. Every business caters to Spanish speaking people by giving them the choice to deal with the company in Spanish. Minorities are encouraged to boycott discriminating businesses. 

The most important thing for minorities to realize is who their worst enemy is. The answer is pretty simple, it is the Republicans, and coming in second is probably religion. What religion? Thing about it. Religion robs the poor with the TV preachers, and look what the Catholic Church has done to women, native Americans, and the poor in general. Then look at how the fundamentalist have supported Trump. 

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