Friday, December 31, 2021

The Divide

 Nothing new, those with, and those without. Yesterday we met Marty walking down the road by the lake near our new residence. Marty and his wife have quickly become good friends. Marty walked with Winky up the steep hill while Kadizzle road the ebike. At the ranch the political discussion started. Marty is a good liberal and we plowed into a lot of subjects, and of course solutions to world problems. Why are people poor. Both Marty and Kadizzle told the tales of how a little luck propelled them to economic security. It is a long story, but Marty's tale of prosperity came from a call he got from England to capture Wood Rats in the desert. You probably know Kadizzle's career started when he took a nap on the porch swing in Wheeling, West Virginia.

Why do some people succeed and others fail? Of course there are many factors. Maybe daddy left you a piece of land with oil under it. You did not succeed, you just had the right daddy. Trump is splendid example of that. Maybe you got some good DNA and were smart enough to see through the trickery of those who prey on the less fortunate. Maybe you understood economics and saved. Maybe you listened to someone with knowledge. 

Society very much depends on the haves, and how much they soak from the have nots .  Shooting a cow is not a difficult endeavor, but a mountain lion is another category. Why shoot either one? Well you can sell a stupid person a Mr Pillow pillow and it is not hard. Kadizzle was at the Walmart hall where people go to buy items made of Chinesiem. You can get a decent pillow there for twenty bucks or less, but Mr. Pillow will sell you one for a hundred. Really, what can you do to a pillow? Well you can use pillows to bilk the Trump cult. Republicans have turned mental deficiency into a gold mine. 

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