Friday, August 13, 2021


Debbie and Al pulled into Cliffs mountain reserve yesterday. Years ago we met them while looking for a camping spot near Sedona. This morning we got an email from Ed, probably our oldest camping friend, both in age, and years we have known Ed. Of course the is Darch, Rita, and Ken, and the list goes on. So many people we have met on the road over the years. Recently heard from a road friend with canoed the Missouri with. This is a great life. You meet, depart, and meet again, but who knows where? A bonus is if you get to meet at a road friends house. Here we sit at Cliff's ten acres in the White Mountains. We have been plugged into his electricity, sewer, and water for six months. Of course once we get our new home everyone is welcome pull in and hook up. Deb, and Al have made a deluxe campground in their backyard that will accommodate about three visiting vagabonds. 

So many of our traveling buddies we meet over and over. Sometimes it is years before you see someone again, but people stay in touch. Kadizzle has met some nice bums, or should we say people living close to the bone. Recently Kadizzle met a new fellow. The guy is happy and scraping by on a social security check and a pension, but he is getting buy, and loves camping in his small get by home. What happened to the good old bums at Lake Roosevelt? Hope Gary the bum is doing alright, and what about his buddy Duane? A fresh turnover of friends is great. The stories you have told a thousand times can be used once more. 

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