Monday, August 02, 2021

The Sneaker

 At the grocery store Kadizzle checked out the measly three items he had. When he put his wallet back into his pants he must have missed. The wallet dropped on the floor. Kadizzle did not notice and a sneaker must have picked it up spotted the twenties and took the wallet. Now Kadizzle after searching for days to find the wallet must replace all the credentials. Kadizzle had too many credit cards in the wallet, plus his drivers license, and the medical insurance cards. What a mess to renew all this crap. Kadizzle hoped the sneaker would just take the money and toss the wallet. Nope, maybe the sneaker put the wallet in the trash. So far the sneuaker has not tried to charge anything. Kadizzle left one credit card turned on. Will have to check this morning and see if the sneaker is going to use the credit card. 

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