Saturday, August 21, 2021

Deja Vu

Al gave Kadizzle a used pair of professional motorcycle boots. Of course Kadizzle did not wear the boots because we were going to go on a mild ride. When Kadizzle saw a road that he had not explored off Al and Kadizzle went up the side of the mountain. It was a crash worthy road.  We made it close to the top and the road petered out. It was not really a road it was a nasty uphill ride that at one time may have been a logging road. Al enjoyed the challenge so Kadizzle suggested the two old men try to go up the death road Kadizzle went up a few weeks ago.  Having been up suicide mountain once before Kadizzle was happy to have Al with him.  If you recall the story this was the mountain where the cycle overheated and quit.  Kadizzle told Al he would stop and rest the cycle a few times.  About a third of the way up Kadizzle did not have the power for a short steep climb and the cycle had a mild crash.  On up the mountain Kadizzle stopped by a pond and cooled the engine with water.  Earlier Kadizzle tried to cool the engine with urine.  Wow, what a stink boiled urine makes.  After the pond it was time for the final assault.  Just like the last time the cycle just gave up and quit. The last time Kadizzle attributed it to a hot engine and altitude. The altitude was definitely a problem. We were at about ten thousand feet and the cycles found it hard to breath. The cycle fell over on the steep grade.  Then Kadizzle had an epiphany. The cycle was dying because it could not get gas at such a steep angle. After Kadizzle turned on the reserve tank the cycle started. Al and Kadizzle used the motor and some pushing to get the cycle to a level spot. With fuel in the carburetor Kadizzle made it to the top.  It was a good adventure with some learning. Having Al visit is a real bonus when we play dare to be stupid. Two stupid people are safer than one. 

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