Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Time to grow up

Unrestrained religion will result in the deaths and torture of thousands of people in Afghanistan. When will humans realize the toxicity of religion? As thinking animals are we incapable of seeing the dark side of religion? Any casual student of history would realize the deaths, the wars, and the torture religion itself has instigated. This does not even include the sexual and economic abuse by pedophiles and slavery. Jump to the present and recall the riot Donald Trump inspired at the Capitol. Trump came to power on the backs of evangelical Christians drunk on his delusions. History has clearly proven how dangerous religion is, yet we allow religion to be used as a tool of the wicked to recruit people for the most evil causes. Young pregnant girls were imprisoned by the Catholic Church’s Magdalene laundries in Ireland as late as the 1960’s, but we ignore the abuse. Native American children were abused and buried at schools run by the religious. Why do we live in a society that is so willing to ignore the mess we have created by allowing mythology to lead to such bad outcomes?

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