Saturday, June 26, 2021

I am a man you don't meet every day

Old Kadizzle had to have a tire repaired yesterday.  Into the ramshackle old gas station he went. This story is dedicated to Honest Omar.  As Kadizzle wasted time waiting for the hole to be repaired he noticed how many people had tattoos. A random thought jumped into his mind.  Here he was in the heart of a Mormon infestation and everyone had tattoos. Were Mormon's allowed to have tattoos? Kadizzle decided to go ahead and pay for the repair before it was done. He asked a huge hulking guy with some bad teeth who to pay. The humphfalump said you can pay me. It appeared as though meth had taken a bit of a toll on some of his front teeth. However, he seemed like a nice enough guy. Since the behemoth's arms were covered with inked sketches Kadizzile decided to ask him if he was a Mormon. " No" he answered, " I am a heathen".   Then a conversation ensued about religion.  Kadizzle mentioned the town was full of churches. Tire man said all these people are only good on Sunday. Kadizzle liked the comment. Tire man said at one point. " Think of religion like a fish in a fishbowl in the ocean, that is religion".  Next tire man said "Think of another fish in the ocean outside that fish bowl, that is spirituality". The big fellow had some philosophy in him. Somewhere in this conversation Kadizzle told the story about Ray.  Ray once said he was an orthodox atheist.  Now the little town here is about as beat up and run down as you can get, yet it is full of churches. There is every flavor of church here. You got the Bible Church, you got a church with a great big sing that says Jeeesus.  Of course there are enough Mormons to make a fortune selling sacred underwear.  All this religion and what did it get them? It got them lots of guns, Donald Trump, a mess of run down beat up mobile homes, and a hard scrabble existence. What went wrong?What if all that money burnt up in the churches went to pay better teachers?  What if the kids were taught to learn a little science, and math?  No, no, lets just put up a Trump flag, and go down to the drugstore that sells more guns than pills. This reminds old Kadizzle of an old song " We need more Jesus and less rock-n-roll".  Really? We need less Jesus, more brains, less guns, more education, less Fox News. 

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