Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Fog that does not lift

Smoke has rolled in and it is thick as fog. Trump flags in Arizona are in danger of burning.  As the people infested with right wing insanity sit in their home and watch their Trump signs and flags burn they still wallow in the idiocy of no climate change.  Arizona is on fire and while the state burns the Republicans are auditing the ballots to see if they can find help for Trump. Trump did everything in his power to reverse the progress made in fighting man made climate change. The gun nuts can be seen at the grocery store here with their armament strapped to their side. Can they shoot the forest fires? A lot of the people around here rely on the lumber industry.  Instead of 2x4s they may be selling charcoal. What does it take to rinse the stupidity out of a Fox News viewer? There may be some hope, after all Arizona did vote for Biden.  

Now for the next right wing insanity.  Business cannot find people to work.  Of course the businesses only want to pay slave wages.  As Kadizzle have a new home constructed it is obvious how critical immigrants are. Mexicans built the footing, Mexicans did the framing, and Mexicans put on the roof.  Why not let the Mexicans do the work that so many businesses need done? Economist say migrants will be a boon to the economy.  Why not let them work and pay taxes? Only if they agree to vote Republican.  If that were a requirement the borders would be open. Already too many working people in Arizona have voted for Biden. 

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