Friday, June 04, 2021

Scaring the simple Minded

Yup, they are coming for our guns. Just my notification from the NRA, Biden will be confiscating guns. Once you take the pledge of allegiance to the Trump Cult you enter a world of make believe that welcomes you every goofy theory on Earth. In Arizona you have bamboo ballots shipped here from China.  Of course you get to divorce yourself from logic, science and any of those other nuisances that involve facts. 

The real beauty of the simple minded is how they can be tapped for cash. The NRA is in big trouble since they have been charged with fraud. The NRA needs money.  Well, simply send out a gun letter to the simple minded and ask for money and new members. TV preachers have always known how easy it is to rape the simple minded with Jesus at their side. Know one knows better than the Republicans what a gold mine the stupid can open up.  Just scare the simple minded and harvest their money. You need nothing new, just use the good old guns, gays, god, and a few conspiracy theories.  How many dingers are there? Just look for the bumper stickers and the flags. Now if you extrapolate you figure for every Trump flag flying there are a few more in the bushes. However, it is simpler than that, just look how many idiots voted for Trump twice.  74 certified idiots is a lot of idiots, and the country is infested with them. 

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