Tuesday, February 16, 2021

What do the Europeans think

Traveling you get to sample the minds of people who do not live in the bubble of the United States.  Often Winky and Kadizzle get the foreign view from visitors to the U.S. Most are reluctant to insult our country, but if you give them an opening they will tell you they are amused and amazed that we are so ignorant we would let someone like Trump come to power.  Foreign people will point our out shortcomings we will not admit.  Ask a Canadian or a German what they think about our health care.  It is not all bad.  Europeans are amazed by out public lands.  People are amazed by out interstate, and the size of the country.  Sadly most people from Europe realize the sheer number of stupid people we have. Our education system has failed most Americans.  Sure we have some people who excel, but we have 74 million total idiots that voted for Trump and still believe him.  If you want to truly know what your house looks like you need to step out of it to the street and look back. You cannot see your house through the Fox News tube. 

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