Monday, February 15, 2021


 Kadizzle has always been puzzled when he is accused of being hateful.  Many times in a heated exchange with hard core right wing people Kadizzle is accused of being hateful.  Apparently disagreeing with people is hateful.  Usually the right wing person get's backed into a corner and the usual comment is not a reply with logic, but the comment " why are you hateful".  Arguing over the speed of light Kadizzle points to information that it is 186,000 miles per second.  The right wing person responds " why are you so hateful?"  This comes up a lot with religion.  Some person makes some crazy assertion and you question it. Why are you so hateful.  The church considered Galileo hateful when he said the Earth orbited the sun. Apparently asking people to change their fundamental belief, and using facts is hateful.  On many occasions Kadizzle has asked the right wingers to explain how he is hateful.  Never has one answered.  Recently Kadizzle had one of these go arounds.  With an old friend Kadizzle was going through the Trump nonsense.  Kadizzle sent the man some straight forward factual information. The response was " You need to quit being hateful".   It occurred to Kadizzle how hateful Trump has been.  Trump actually inspired and condoned violence.  How is it these people cannot see the real thing. 

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