Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Rain will come and wind will blow, deer will die in the winter snow

 At last the rain came to the desert.  This means things will grow, and grow quickly. The rain was so badly needed.  The magic of water to rinse, and change things.  Tomorrow the worst president in history will start to be rinsed from our memory.  Sadly the worthless man showed us how many mentally deficient people inhabit our country.  We now know they walk among us.  We used to be able to think the ignorant were harmless, now we know they can act like a herd of idiots.  Locust generally are not a problem, but when the plague comes lookout.  As a nation we have just been through a plague of stupidity fueled by Fox News, religion, and the usual culprits.  

Lets teach people to think.  Science, math, and logic train the mind. History is supposed to keep us from making the same mistake.  Now that we are rid of Trump perhaps we can return to a rational life.  

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