Wednesday, November 04, 2020

The Poor are comfortable

 Down at the boat ramp the nice pickup trucks back nice fishing boats into the water.  As long as you have a fishing boat and a pickup life is good.  Add a six pack of beer and why would you ever need to vote against Donald Trump? Until the poor are cold and hungry, and there is no gas for the fishing boat ignorance will reign supreme.  Revolutions need pain for fuel.  Nothing changes until poverty reigns supreme.  The last time people awakened was the depression.  Things changed.  Look back in history.  All change that matters comes only from great pain.  When the Vietnam war raged people went to the streets.  For young people the prospect of getting killed in a senseless war awakened them.  I got my gun, my boat, and my truck.  We now live in a world of poor fat people in comfortable clothes they bought at Walmart.  Everything is OK, of course evil socialist roam the land trying to get our guns,  running child sex rings, and promoting sharing, but we have God and Donald Trump. 

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