Thursday, November 05, 2020


The Level of ignorance in the United States is staggering.  Basic logic, truth, and science are totally lacking from almost half the population.  The simple fact that a con man can so easily con the simple minded in this country is a scary prospect.  People believe total nonsense. In the state where Trump is winning his supporters say stop the count, in the state where he is losing they say count the vote.  Trump can look his people in the eye tell them he is going to lie, then lie, and they believe him. 

Kadizzle has more respect for the mental capacity of a dog than a Trump voter.  Even if Biden wins we are in for a bad time trying to overcome the gravity of stupidity.  People should have known including Kadizzle how bad stupidity is. Casinos were the thermometer for stupidity.  People go to a casino and slowly give away their money.  Does that tell you something?  It tells you people do not understand basic math.  North Dakota has been a massive disappointment.  First, the state cannot comprehend it is a welfare state.  North Dakota prospers from Federal handouts.  Yet, the people of North Dakota fear socialism.  Nothing is more socialist than the coops that cover North Dakota.  Religion takes the cake.  Religious people supporting Trump.  Someone explain that one. 

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