Saturday, November 14, 2020

An idiots convention

Amazing times we live in. Isn't it wonderful when the simple minded self identify?  The simple minded are going to have an idiot's convention in Washington, DC.  In the old days you had to sort of guess how stupid someone was.  Of course there were clues, but now the seriously stupid put on a red hat, or fly a flag with Trump on it to let you know they did not do well in high school.  The saddest part of the new nation is how the politicians pick on the ignorant.  Republicans harvest the ignorant like squirrels gathering acorns.  How do you bait the mentally challenged? Just use some key words like guns, religion, and make up a lot of silly conspiracy theories. The simple will flock to you.  Drive down the highway in foggy conditions, there is a guy with no headlights on.  That is the guy under the red hat.  He is proud to go against logic and common sense. 

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