Saturday, July 18, 2020

There is no problem so simple

There is no problem so simple it cannot be made more difficult. That is the mantra we live by.   When Kadizzle ask Winky a simple question that could be answered with a yes or no, it turns into a lecture.  For example if Kadizzle said to Winky " What day is it?"  .  Winky would not say Tuesday.  No, Winky would say " Don't you know yesterday was Monday, and Tuesday always comes after Monday.  On Wednesday you may look at the calendar and you will realize today is Tuesday.  Why did you ask me? Why didn't you just look at the calendar?".   So a simple answer that could have just been " It is Tuesday" becomes a half hour lecture on Tuesdays. This principle of making everything complicated drives Kadizzle nuts.  Once upon a time Kadizzle went to neighbor Bob and asked him to cut a piece of wood in the shape of a triangle.  Kadizzle gave Bob a square piece of wood and told him it made no difference what angle the resulting triangle turned out.  Simple, put the wood on the table saw push it through, and zip you are done. Nope, not an engineer.  Bob got out a builders square, a straight edge and made a simple job into a complex one.  That is the nature of humans.  Take the simplest task and figure out a way to make it complicated.  That often is the purpose of government. Look around you and see how many things have been needlessly complicated. So many times things are complicated with choices.  Back to Winky.  If Winky buys something she orders one of each kind. So if you want one shirt she order five.  You sort through the shirts and send back the ones you don't want.

Kadizzle is trying to go into a super who cares phase. Once you just don't care it is such a freeing feeling.  Ask yourself a simple question " What difference does it make".  Most decisions in life make very little difference.  However, people can ponder forever on if they should have cheese on their hamburger or not. People have such a tendency to get caught up on such nonsensical things that just don't matter.  Another major problem in life is getting attached to things. As we clean out our house it becomes apparent all the things we have been keeping for absolutely no reason.  Things haunt people.  Like snowflakes things pile up.  How does that happen. Kadizzle had a nice 55 gallon blue plastic drum that sat beside the shed.  It sat there for 15 or twenty years.  Always Kadizzle had a plan for that barrel.  Finally Kadizzle got rid of the barrel.  It was just a nuisance.  We all have all those things that someday we will need or fix. It never happens.  You wake up dead one day and someone has to give away all  your crap. Then there is the illusion that your crap is worth something. Nope, you can crap just like yours at any garage sale. There is a magic freedom in being free of junk. People are natural hoarders, and so are squirrels. 

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