Sunday, July 05, 2020

Living in the third world.

Winky and Kadizzle have awakened in Lusk, Wyoming.  Last night we wandered from the Earth module down to a covid 19 cafe.  After a nice meal we decided to get a milkshake.  What struck Kadizzle on the walk was the poverty and mess here in Amrika.  As Kadizzle looked around he thought it felt like some poverty stricken area in Mexico.  Lately the New York Times has been full of articles about income inequality.  The rich live in compounds and keep the poor at bay. Trump helps the rich exploit the poor and no one notices.  The level of ignorance in this country is astounding.  Too many times Kadizzle has talked to people who attended college and found them dumb as bricks about the reality we live in.  Most people live in their own little bubble.  Winky came back from the milkshake expedition on a little different route.  Winky reported there were some nice houses in this run down bum shunkle town.  That is our country.  A few do well as many scratch for a living.  Last night all these busted flat people set off fireworks to well into the night.  Without a pot to piss in they burn up their paycheck on cigarettes, fireworks, tatoos, and some fancy wheels .  Most amazing are the people buzzing around on four wheelers with a big American Flag celebrating the new slavery the Republicans have created.  Poverty for the whole country is a choice, not a necessity.  Will we take the country back from the one percent?  Ignorance is the real virus, and you cannot stop it with face mask. 

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