Friday, July 17, 2020

Let the Bulgine Run

The Kadizzle household is in a kerfuffle.  Winky is losing her mind because we are selling our house. For years this is what she wanted to do.  Winky wanted to sell the house and move to Payson, Arizona.  Now, the house is sold and Winky wants to keep it and die and rot here.  Winky is actually trying to get out of the contract.  Add to this the hassle of getting rid of all our junk, buying a new expensive truck to pull the fifth wheel we will be living in and you have insane turmoil.  Winky has been having difficulty sleeping.  Some decisions you cannot take back.  Well what can Kadizzle do? The song let the Bulgine run sums it up.  Once you light the fuse you have no choice. So, let the Bullgine run.  It is an old sailing song.  Apparently an old steam engine was called a bulgine.  Well, clear the track and let the bulgine run.  The fuse is lit, the house is going to go, we are going into the wild unknown.  Kadizzle was in charge of blasting and has worked with explosives many times in his life.  One thing Kadizzle can assure you is that when you set off an explosion you never know the exact results.  Winky has set off an explosion.  We may run up to the face after the explosion and find a thick vein of gold, or maybe just a pile of rocks.  Kadizzle has seen a good shot produce wonderful results and also extreme disappointment.  So hey, rig, a jig, clear the tracks and let the bulgine run.

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