Thursday, July 09, 2020


The body awakened at about three A.M.  Unfortunately it appears Kadizzle is in the same world he was yesterday.  A world taken over by insanity.  Maybe it has always been this way.  Excuse me folks, but religion was the first mass insanity.  People believing some nonsense without an once of proof.  That is what we have with Trump today.  Trump is just a religion.  Trump makes stuff up, and the Trump religious believe it.  In the old days a church could sell you indulgences.  Trump still does the same thing but it is more the mafia style of indulgence.  An easy sell is tax breaks.  You believe in me and I will reduce your taxes.  In the old days it was water into wine, now it is deficit into money for the rich.  Same magic tricks just different sales pitch.  In the old days the church always won.  The Republicans always win.  Once you get the believers to believe it is game on.  The Catholic Church raped South American and most of whatever else they could get their hands on including little boys.  Trump is not much different he rapes little girls and steals from us all.  Tell them what they want to hear. That is religion, and that is the Republican party.  Promise salvation as you steal.  The modern version is trickle down.  Wait for heaven, and wait for the rich to piss on you.  So Kadizzle woke up in the same world he went to sleep in.

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