Tuesday, July 14, 2020

I am rich, so I must be smart.

A hundred years ago Kadizzle remembers talking with a teenage friend.  Edward Bippus was his name. The poor guy was a good friend of my little brother.  Bippus went on to the great beyond, but I remember a conversation with Bippus.  At some point Bippus said " If  you're so smart, why aren't you rich?".  Kadizzle has learned in his 71 years that there is no relationship between rich and smart. A lot of dumb people are poor, and a lot of simple minded people are rich.  No example shines better than Donald Trump. Trump is a man who has money from inheritance, crooked dealing, and the public's thirst to watch an idiot.  Too many people have a pile of cheese, because Daddy left them a pile of cheese.  They would be hopeless bums except for the fact that Dad left enough food in their bowl to last a long time.  The worship of wealth, and the rich has led the country to the dumb down state we are in.  Symbols of wealth have wasted so many resources. People live in oversized houses, with oversized cars, eating oversized meals. He must be smart because he is rich, so the simple dingers dress their bodies with bling.  The rich impoverish the poor.  Money that should go into schools goes into yachts, and jets.  " It's their money, they earned it", that is the Republican mantra.  Perhaps they should say " It's their money, they stole it".  Walmart enslaved a bunch of almost unemployable people and paid them a welfare wage.  Genius, pure genius.  Walmart sells stuffed animals, and shiploads of stuff people just don't need.  Walmart's  motto should be " Making poverty affordable".

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