Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Cult

The Cult of the Red Hats never ceases to amaze. The King of the Red Hats can say anything and the cult believes.  Now Mitch McConnell has totally succumbed to the cult leader.  Reality has been suspend and stupidity is spreading like a plague.  Idiots are easily infected by watching Fox News.  Cult members subject themselves to poverty and believe lottery tickets will save them.  As a country we have lost our sanity.  King Red Hat looks right at the cult members and lies, the cult members cheer and love the drunken feeling they get from be so stupid.  Of course who better to start a cult with than evangelicals?  Religious people love the idea of a cult.  Cults are like magic shows, all you have to do is believe something that is obviously not true.  Does it get any easier than that.  Just get a tattoo or put a ring in your nose, that is all it takes to be happy.  Is than an easier way to get rich than giving tax breaks to the rich.  Join the cult, suspend belief.  Adopt the new mantra  " If you believe it, it is true".   Buy the 19.95 vegematic.  It is all so easy.  You can take a pill for an erection, to make you skinny, why not drink some Republican cool aid?  Thinking is time consuming and can be uncomfortable.  Just let Trump do it for you.

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