Monday, February 18, 2019

Clouds hit my head

Rain is coming down once more.  Kadizzle is enthusiastic about seeing some of the streams run.  The waterfalls will be the highlight.  The rain is a motivator to hike.  There are a couple of great falls we can hike to when the rain stops.

Winkie is going to make some corn bread for breakfast.  If the rain continues we will be confined to the Earth Module and a domino game may ensue.

Sorry, but if you voted for Trump and still believe in him you have a big problem.  Kadizzle sees the comments of people who theoretically can think that indicate they still believe in King Red Hat.  It is distressing.  Faith in humans has been taking a hit.  Trump has shown Kadizzle that the people he thought could think are really incapable.  Some people who had good jobs and high positions in our county still believe in the Red Hat King.

Old white guys unwilling to give up their privilege will fight to the end. No matter how dirty, and immoral the fight is, they will insist white is right.  If you want to stop people from reproducing, you have two choices, kill them, or make them prosperous.  The old white guys would rather kill them, but research has shown that when poor people ( read that as immigrants, blacks, or just non white people) have more income they have fewer children.  So if the old rich white guys don't want to be overrun by brown people, they need to help the brown people prosper.  This is totally counter intuitive to a Red Hat Republicans, but think about it.

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