Thursday, February 14, 2019

Deer Creek

Kadizzle took the ebike up Deer Creek yesterday.  In no time at all Kadizzle went flying over the handle bars.  Through the air he flew.  It was a spectacular crash which involved spectacular stupidity.  Kadizzle was going downhill when the front wheel did not make it out of a ditch Kadizzle tried to cross. The bike stopped, but Kadizzle kept going.  The tonnage was not hurt.  Good ground and good rolling technique saved the day.  The trail crew has done a magnificent job on the Deer Creek trail.  Usually the trail crew encounters very few people, but about six hikers were on the trail.  One was a fireman, one a seasoned hiker,  and a couple people walking dogs.  Usually we have a chat with people we encounter. Kadizzle spoke to the hiker for about an hour.  Trail locations and Indian sites were exchanged.

The rain is coming, in fact the prediction is for some flooding.   A few days inside are in order.  Kadizzle has the google mini working in the Earth Module so he can shout out orders.  Like, OK google  next song. 

Just cannot wait for the Mueller report.  It will be a sad day if it does not get Trump headed toward jail.  The shear volume of rotten stuff Trump has done is amazing.

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