Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Dark and Cold

The sun is  not even up and Winkie is jumping around like a wild monkey in a cage. Winkie wants to get to work on the trails.  Old Kadizzle is afraid to go out it is so cold.  Is this Arizona?  Since Winkie is such a " Good Girl", we had to just finish playing that song. You remember " She is a good girl she believes in Jesus, She is a good girl she believes in Elvis too". 

Kadizzle dreamed to the point he is worn out and getting up is a slow process. Winkie has made lunches for us, and is still buzzing.  If god will give Kadizzle some energy he may work on the local trails today.  Kadizzle is trying to establish a trail on the old canal that runs to the dam.  This is sort of a secret project.  A few of the real employees want the trail because they have horses and no place to ride them.

How did Kadizzle with such a low idle get married to a little buzzing bee wife?  If opposites attract it sure happened here.  Winkie jumped out of bed and practically ran in to make coffee.  Like a tired elephant Kadizzle lumbered in and sat down to drink coffee.  So here we sit getting up to date on the Google.  What will the insane King Red Hat do today.  Just cannot wait until he goes to jail.

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