Monday, February 11, 2019

Insane Project

For the last few days everyone has been exploring the canal that brought water from the diversion dam to the construction site of the Roosevelt Dam.   In 1906 the project started. The idea was to bring water about twenty miles from the Salt River through a canal.  Once at the new dam site the idea was to drop the water and produce electricity to help build the new dam.  Sounds simple, but in 1906 it was an incredible undertaking.  To perform this task they had very rudimentary construction equipment.  Horses pulling small scrapers were the main force in this undertaking.  Now to complicate matters it would take about twenty tunnels to direct the water.  Rita, Ken, Cissie, Kadizzle, Dave, and Cupcake have been slowly exploring the old canal by foot.  As Kadizzle sits here he waits for the Eastern crew to return from their hike today.  Yesterday Kadizzle and Cupcake hiked a couple miles west on the canal.  If you go online and search Roosevelt lake power diversion canal or something like that you can see the pictures and read the history.  Amazingly at the time the dam was built the Roosevelt lake was the biggest man made reservoir in the world.  Of course that was in 1914, now the lake in North Dakota is 15 times larger and of course there are many even bigger.

The Trump Cult may cause another shut down of the government this week, another incredible waste of money.   What have we come to when we allow a lying con man to lead our country?

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