Monday, April 02, 2018

The Water to the Earth Module Froze

Actually not a big problem, but when Kadizzle got up to pee he found the water to the Earth Module frozen.  A little warm water on the outside faucet and we are back in business.  Sitting above Colorado Springs the Temperature is now 31.   One more degree and no worries.  The park we are in was built in 2006.  Colorado did not spare the money.  It is a nice park with a good view, good trails, and a lot of nice facilities.  Cheyenne Mountain State Park is right next to Cheyenne Mountain which contains the NORAD center.  You know the place the next nuclear war will be run from.  More than likely the Russians, and maybe even North Korea have a bomb centered on the Earth Module.  So we are just one Trump tweet away from glowing for eternity.

Kadizzle set out for a short hike yesterday and quickly found himself on a long hike.  The maze of very nice trails here led him on a long walk, which was good.  As he walked he wondered why more parks like this could no be build instead of all the silly military nonsense.  Had our country not pissed away trillions on silly wars and equipment even the poorest person would live in the lap of luxury.  Just keeping all the planes and helicopters constantly buzzing cost a fortune, but so what it makes the military contractors rich, and that is our real goal.  Reagan is the Republican Jesus, but if it had been Eisenhower the world would be a better place.  Now we have Trump.  Did anyone ever think we would sink this low.  With Trump in the White House the swamp is about to flood the place.  Trump has proven what a thick seam of idiots we have in this country. 

Kadizzle was in the coal mining industry most of his life.   In West Virginia and Ohio the coal might run from twenty eight inches up to nine feet thick.  In North Dakota maybe it got over ten or twelve feet thick.   When the day came that Kadizzle got to tour a mine in Wyoming he was blown away by coal seems over one hundred feet thick.   Now, back to stupidity.  Most Americans thought the seam of stupidity in our country did not run that thick, but Trump showed us we had a vast supply of idiots no one ever dreamed of.  Fox News has been mining idiots for years.  They are out there and ready to be picked.   Idiots like simplicity, and that is what Fox and Rush Limbaugh have in abundance.  There is a simple paranoid explanation for everything, and the idiots want to hear about it.  The most precious commodity the media now has to offer is fake news.   Ironically the best salesman of fake news is now president, and he spreads it like peanut butter on the Hoopleheads.  They love it.  Will the day of factual information ever come back.  Not likely very soon.

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