Wednesday, April 04, 2018

The Meltdown

Sylvie, my little wonderful granddaughter just had a terrible melt down.  She got new roller shoes for her birthday and she wants to wear them to school. Like Trump not getting his wall she did not take it well.  The whole explosion made Kadizzle think about being one of nine children. The meltdown created chaos at breakfast.  In a family of nine meltdowns were unknown.  There simply was not room for that kind of activity.  It is such a procedure launching one kid to school Kadizzle cannot imagine how on Earth nine of us got launched in the morning.  Kids had to take care of themselves.  Kadizzle can remember trying to find his cleanest dirty shirt to go to school.  The big sisters took us to school and we walked.  Big sisters brought us back.

Sylvie is a member of a tribe. Her tribe has one person.  That is entirely different from a tribe of nine.  Sylvie has no clue the good life she leads.  Sylvie has been on expensive vacations Kadizzle could never have dreamed of.  Sylvie has probably flown as many miles as a nine year old as Kadizzle has in his career.  Simply snap your fingers Sylvie and what you want will appear or be ordered. Not only does Sylvie have her own room, but it is equipped beyond the belief of a member of the nine tribe.  Clothing?  Hand me downs were so common in our closet.  Not Sylvie, she has a selection that any kid would envy. 

All things considered she is a wonderful, brilliant, talented, little girl, but keeping her from being spoiled as an only child is going to be a major undertaking.  No will be the hardest word she will ever learn.

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