Saturday, April 28, 2018

A year of change

Last night the Kadizzles gathered with local friends.  It was time to swap news of the winter and local goings on.  Things are changing.  People are making life style changes.  Moving to Bismarck, or some other location.  Once you retire in Hazen it seems you need more than watching snow melt to keep your mind going.  At some point you have to realize Hazen, and Beulah are bedtime communities for all the local coal mines, power plants, and perhaps even farmers.  Get your pile of money and get out.  The lake is all this area really has going, and few take advantage of that.  So you can fish, hunt, boat, and have coffee with the delusional.  This is Trump land, and that is why a lot of people want to escape.  Both the Kadizzle kids say they could not come back to the land of guns, Trumpets, and drill baby drill.  North Dakota with the advent of Trump has taken vast pride in just how stupid and uninformed we can be.  Local radio blares mini Rush Limbaughs, and the real rat himself.  The newspapers never do any real reporting and pumping up the right wing dolts seems a given. Sorry, but the rantalator got going.

Stroupini and Kadizzle sat on the boat in the boatyard and shot the shit in the sunshine yesterday.  The boat is chomping at the bit to jump in the water and sail away.  It is a bit of a problem with an ice covered lake.

The other day we went to a meeting for slip renters. We got to listen to the state people tell us how the state is having budget problems.  In this oil rich state there is no money for the common good, but drive around and see multi million dollar homes popping up.  How does that work?  Is there something wrong with trickle down.  No, trickle down means trickle from the billionaires to the million airs.  It has nothing to do with the old working people.

What about taxes?  Nope, nope, nope.  You can never, ever raise taxes.  Even if you have a war. In the old days when they had a nice war the rich were asked to help pay. Bush put an end to that shit.  Now if you want a nice war it is put on the credit card.

With no taxes the schools, and roads will fall apart.  So what you idiot.  The rich have their own schools, and they use jets not roads, so why should they pay for your kids to go to school.  God and the rich provide us with everything.  That is why we pay god on sundays, and the rich the rest of the week.. Sorry, too much coffee, and the rantalator got going again.

Well the sun is out and if the wind doesn't blow us over it might be a nice day.  The penguins are moving north so spring must be coming.

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