Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Sitting in the garage

As on many days Kadizzle set out to make the rounds.  Shiny is on vacation, Stroupini is watching Shiny's dog.  The proprietor is manning the Crazy club.  Kadizzle thought he better go check on Skavietch at his garage.  Poor old Skavietch had his wife pass away a few years back.  He was enamored with his wife and just cannot get over her passing.  Walking through his home without his wife in it makes him sad, so Skavietch moved out into the garage.  In the garage he set up a table, a refrigerator with beer, and of course a television. Already dying from cancer old Skavietch sits there, smokes, drinks a beer and lets life go on.  When Kadizzle came in the garage door the first thing he notice was that it appeared someone beat the hell out of Skavietch. Inquiring into the devestation Skavietch told Kadizzle a BS story about what happened, then the truth came.  In a fit of coughing from the fungus in his lungs Skavietch passed out and fell into the bathroom.  He came to with no idea of where he was or what happened.  Of course being Skavietch he did not go to the hospital.  He was out cold to the extent his bladder let loose.  He did accomplish one thing.  What ever his head hit it knocked the switch to his brain enough to get him to realize he needs to quit smoking.  At the drug store he is going to get some pills to quit smoking.

After a round of reminiscing and telling the same stories over Skavietch gave Kadizzle some fresh sweet corn right out of the garden.

Yesterday Kadizzle put the good ship back into shape. So the boat will be ready Thursday to head west and wrap up the sailing season.

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