Wednesday, September 13, 2017

New Body

The other day Kadizzle wandered over to see how the neighbor was doing, and check the level in the neighbors cookie jar. Neighbor said he was doing well but would be happy to get his new body.  In heaven you will be issued a new body.  Imagine a body like you had when you were 25, not a body that is pretty worn down by almost 70 years.  No more reading glasses, no more walking stick in the woods, no more feet that hurt, back that is sore, and new spots showing up everywhere.

Will they issue a new brain? Will the new brain have patience? Will the new brain behave better than the old one?  How about a new mouth that does not talk so much and say the wrong things?

In heaven there will be a lot fewer excuses.  No more " I am tired" or confused, or sore, or don't have the energy.

So as we go forward we wait for the clock to be turned back.

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