Friday, September 01, 2017

How do the Bee's do it?

For the second time Kadizzle had a collision with a bee.  The last time the flying Kadizzle on the motorcycle ran into a bee was just three weeks ago.  Your going down the road at 55 mph and suddenly you feel a sting. Same thing yesterday going 35 mph.  It happens so fast. The only feasible explanation Kadizzle can muster is that he is running into the back of the bee.  After all that is where the stinger is.  The inside of my right arm is sore this morning from the sting.  The solution seems to be wear a jacket.

Made the rounds yesterday on the remeadigus.  Stopped at the Crazy Club.  Shiny is on vacation so the proprietor has to run the joint for a few days.  As Kadizzle chatted up the owner Stroupini stopped in.  Stroupini has taken on an odd job.  The Sheriff appointed him guardian for a lady with mental problems. The lady would make an excellent member of the club.  However, she is being detained in the big crazy club in Jamestown where the professionals are kept.  Seems he lady tried to run over a policeman. Not a good idea.  Stroupini is trying to sort out her financial affairs and do what he can to get the woman's life in order.

Over at Rita's crazy club we discussed recruitment.  Rita lost two of her prize nut cases and needs some new members.  Our crazy club was considering a cookout in the Pocket Park.  After we did the budget and found we had no money for real cookies Shiny cut out a picture of cookies and put it beside the coffee.  That gave us the idea to put a picture of cheeseburgers on the grill. Anyone who asked for one and ate it would be considered for membership.

Back at the ranch we are catching up on the clothes washing, folding, and putting away from the trip. The grass has been cut and hauled away.  Now the time has come to pay the bills. To avoid exchange rate fees in Canada we used a lot of different credit cards.  Figuring out how to pay all the blood suckers will be a task for today.  Both our offspring are experiencing the twin frustrations of raising a child and making a living.  Now they get a chance to see how their parents lived.   Unable to sleep Kadizzle got up at 4:30.  No real news, perhaps the Trumpster will fire out an insane tweet today.  The Republicans are up the creek in Texas without a paddle.  Their own rednecks are wet and need help.  This looks like they may have to change their song.  No more money for the wall, no more demeaning big government.  Now the government is supposed to fix the mess climate change created in Texas.  Of course there is no such thing as climate change induced by man.  Ted Cruz bitched about the federal government helping out New York when the storm hit there.  Poor old Ted along with the rest of the greed dogs will be enjoying meals of crow for some time.  Mother nature has dope slapped the Republican better than anyone could have dreamed.  Like it or not they now have to show compassion for something other than tax breaks.

Another big battle continued yesterday.  The ASUS computer started to smoke and died while Kadizzle lay in bed surfing the intergoogle.  Computers can die like anything else, but they should not emit smoke when they die.  It would be nice if a big puff of smoke comes out some orifice on Kadizzle when he dies, but not from the computer.  The battle begins with ASUS.  For a computer company they seem very confused.  Call number one went like this, " We will get back to you in 24 hours".  Never heard from them.  Second third and fourth call about the same.  Each time they said the safety department would call.  Six days later the safety department set up a time to call.  The call was set for eleven. No call, so Kadizzle called them.  OK we will call you within an hour. No call.  After days of frustration they finally called and Kadizzle convinced them they needed to do something.  So the computer gets shipped back today.

We are living in an age where people have bombs in their pockets, and in their lap. Imagine a computer catching fire on a plane.  A friend did not have to imagine it, her plane made an emergency landing because a lap top caught fire. Modern devices try to pack a lot of energy into a small space.  When that energy is mismanaged a fire often results.  People with E-cigarettes have their pants catch fire.  Phones melt, and so do computers.  What if you walk out of the room and come back to find the room on fire because your laptop caught fire? Not good.  As we go to electric cars we may have cars that melt.  It has already happened with the Tesla.  The stuff batteries are made of burns unlike a lot of other things. You are dealing with some exotic metals that water cannot put out.  Airplanes now scare me more.  Some laptop in the cargo hold may decide to burst into flames, not good.  Kadizzle has been called a flaming idiot, but he does not want to become one with a laptop in his hands.

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