Monday, September 25, 2017

Boredom storms hitting the plains.

Well why not have a dream?  How about we buy a diesel trawler and putt around the Northwest.  In the last two years Kadizzle has been out there twice.  There is some trickery going on. Both times the weather was supreme.  That is how one gets tricked into a place and then goes there for nothing but rain and cold.

With strong opposition from Mrs Kadizzle another trip consideration is a fall hillbilly tour.  Mrs Kadizzle has a trip into the Grand Canyon for herself and her girlfriends planned. That means Kadizzle and Stroupini should be entitled to a hillbilly homecoming.

The big battle is boredom.  Sitting around North Dakota with a poor pheasant crop is not too exciting. One could work on house projects, but what fun is that.  One can get bored fighting Republicans and Fundies.  So who knows perhaps a coin toss is all that is needed. Soon blast off time will be here for the Southwest. 

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