Thursday, September 21, 2017

Simple minded dingers

Some people evolve, some people don't.  Perhaps humans attracted mates long ago by making loud noises, but is that still viable?  In our little town the simple minded like to drive about town making loud noises with their vehicles. One wonders if this was similar to ancient tribes where people danced and beat on drums. Somehow the current generation of dolts feels a loud noise means you are a masculine man looking for a mate.  This is all well and good until Kadizzle tries to go to sleep with the window open, or sit on the back porch and enjoy a glass of wine.  Almost always a simple minded dolt with his noise machine will destroy the tranquility.  On the lake some of the dolts have loud boats designed to be heard for  miles. Of course the local gendarmes do absolutely nothing to silence the dolts.  Apparently the simple minded never tire of making the engines roar.  Now everyone of us probably put some baseball cards on our bike and let them make noise on the spokes. This was fine for a six year old, but when a guy fifty has to roar his mean motorcycle he has a brain deficit that needs attention.  Some of the dolts have taken stupidity to a new level.  Not only do the certified dolts emit noise they have modified their dolt mobiles to emit a huge cloud of black smoke. In the dolt tribe the larger your exhaust pipe the bigger your penis.  So the dolts competing for simple minded dolt women put two huge smoke stacks behind the cab of their doltmobile.  Next the drive around blasting noise and pollution.

On the noise front Kadizzle has a solution for the dolts. Kadizzle can sell the dolts a CD. The CD has loud engine noises recorded. The dolt merely puts on headphones and plugs into his CD player. Now the dolt can hear his obnoxious noise, but no one else has to listen.

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