Friday, May 05, 2017

The Hoopleheads

The Hoopleheads get to have their guns, and of course some money to go to religious schools, and also some laws to harass women.  What the Hoopleheads just do not get is how they are manipulated so the wealthy can clean up.  A Hooplehead has no concept of what 53 billion dollars is.  Once you go over the number ten, numbers are meaningless to the Hoopleheads.  Then number six works, that is how many bullets you can put in your gun.  What could a state, a county, a city do with 53 billion dollars?   The Hoopleheads drive over bridges about to fall down.  The children of the Hoopleheads are taught by teachers almost on welfare. Yet the Hoopleheads just don't notice when they are robbed blind by the Republicans.  Now the Republicans are going to take health care away from the Hoopleheads so they can get their tax cuts.  Of course the Hooplehead have Rush Limbaugh blaring in the background and just don't notice.  It is hard to feel sorry for the Hoopleheads when they constantly insist on shooting their own foot off, but that is freedom. The freedom to dumb yourself down.  The freedom to elect Donald Trump.  The freedom to go broke buying lottery tickets.  It is all fine as long as you have something to eat and are not cold.  Only if you take away the flat screen, and the fishing boat will the the Hoopleheads rebel.  In the meantime steal every cent they have, they just don't get it.  Promise them lots of biggly things like Trump does.  Tell them for 19.95 they can take a pill that will give them an erection they can use for a fishing  pole.  The Hooples love to be robbed and lied to.  God bless the simple minded Hoopleheads.

Now this reminds Kadizzle of a story about an old Hooplehead woman in West Virginia.  Her husband had too much shine and his brain cells were not functioning normally.  So the husband liked to go out in the yard and act like a chicken and make chicken noises.  This sort of annoyed the neighbor.  One day the neighbor said to the old Hooplehad lady " Why don't you make your husband stop acting like a chicken out in your front yard?'.   The old lady replied " He don't hurt nobody, and besides we could use the eggs".   That is how you justify voting for Donald Trump.

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