Sunday, March 06, 2016

The world is stranger than you think.

Albert Einstein once said " The world is not stranger than you think, it is stranger than you can think".  If he were alive today and could see our current state of politics he would know how right he was.  The level of ignorance in our country has reached an all time high.  The value of facts has reached an all time low.  We have gone backwards in massive steps.  Wages have gone down, we have armed the idiots,  news shows have turned into fantasy shows.  Old fashion research and reality have been tossed in favor of who can speak the loudest and get the most stupid people to agree with them.

Donald Trump has proven the truth is irrelevant, he has proven hate, misinformation, greed, and a total lack of morality are big sellers. Where did the people who read go?  Where did education go? What happened to our ability to learn from history? Even math scores in the United States have slipped backwards and we are now ranked poorly among developed countries in the basics of education.  What happened?  It all started with Ronald Reagan. Reagan told us the key to prosperity was making the rich richer.  Well it has been tried.  What did we get in exchange for blaming the poor for everything?  We got hate, we got greed, we got Donald Trump.  Now as we approach pre world war II Germany with a Hitler of our own in the making, we need to remember. Hitler was elected.  Hitler stirred up the dolts, the dingers, and the degenerates.  Hitler said oppression and hate were the answer.  Does this sound like The Donald?

If people who have the advantage of insight, and a sense of reality don't finally stand up and confront the current idiocy, we are doomed.  People thought Hitler would dissolve.  When the Germans finally realized the monster their inaction created had bloomed, it was too late.  Here we are in 2016 and Donald Trump is telling us he will deport 11 million people.  We are watching Republican debates where penis size is more important than how Republicans will provide health care.  What have w come to?  Can this be real?  The clown car stopped and the Republican clowns disembarked.  The worst clown of the bunch is our favorite. The clown that bops the other clowns with insults, and  says nasty things.  The clown that is so vile, and yet is the hero of the evangelicals.  Unbelievable.  Kadizzle has said it so many times, but a favorite quote is from George on Seinfeld.  George said " If you believe it, it is true".  This is the new standard. No data, no math, no research.  If Bill O'Rielly said it, and Rush Limbaugh agrees, it might as well be written on the Ten Commandments.  The people who believe this stuff walk among us.  They live next door.  They believe Obama is a Muslim, the United Nations is after our guns.  We have slipped into a make believe world populated by people who will believe anything.  If sanity does not return and our country actually elects a Republican we may live in interesting times.  The old Chinese saying " May you live in interesting times" will define the rest of our lives.

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