Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cheech and Gila Monster

Cheech dropped from the sky this morning at Sky Harbor Airport.  No sooner did we get her back to the Earth Module before the Gila monster must have smelled her.  According to the park wildlife guy the monsters really like New Yorkers.  It was not much of a chore for the Gila Monsters since Megan has a special gene that makes her feet smell.  More than likely the Gila Monster was asleep hibernating until Cheech took her shoes off.

Well it was something like that.  Our crew was alerted to a problem by the incessant barking of the neighbors dogs. Usually they are good dogs and do not bark.  The Commander went to investigate. The dogs had a Gila Monster cornered.  The Commander alerted Ray the water guy and he came to capture it and put it in a bucket.  Cheech got a big thrill from seeing the Gila Monster.

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