Wednesday, March 23, 2016

A hailstorm of words

Cheech is visiting. The wonderful, beautiful, talented Cheech woke up from her bed which is normally the table and had her coffee. When the caffeine hit the game was on.  Cheech is smart and very well read.  The fireworks start as Cheech, The Commander, and Kadizzle launch into solving the world's problems.  Cheech has a mild infection of conservatism, so there are some heated discussions.  Cheech's travel's have taken her around the world and given her first hand knowledge of India, and a host of other countries.  How do we make things equitable? How selfish should one be?  How do we help third world countries? The fireworks fly the gamesmanship explodes.  It is fun to have a good intellectual conversation/debate/ funny talk.  The explosions have slowed down, Cheech and The Commander are absorbed in cooking breakfast.

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