Tuesday, March 22, 2016

The Chicken Slip

Salsa Verde Enchiladas made by Cheech, an absolutely delicious meal.  The recipe is a bit strange.  Start with frozen chicken breast.  Give the chicken breast to The Commander to thaw.  Now, watch The Commander place the frozen chicken breast on the top step of the steps to enter the camper.  Let about a half an hour lapse, or enough time to have The Commander to forget she left the chicken to thaw on the steps.  Now watch The Commander do the "Chicken Slip".   The Commander steps out the door onto the chicken and slips down the steel steps with a comotion worth of Pearl Harbor.  Cheech and Kadizzle thought this was surely the demise of The Commander, but to our astonishment Lazarus arose from the dead unhurt and unscathed.  The Commander then took the chicken and put it in hot water to finish the defrosting.  Amazed by such a feat of gymnastics Kadizzle offered to sprinkle some ice on the steps to see if The Commander was willing to try it again.  Fortunately The Commander is hard headed.  If  you saw or heard this display of chicken defrosting you would have thought a trip to the emergency room was essential.  The Commander survived without a scratch and is hopping around like her usual self.

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