Sunday, March 20, 2016

Land Mines in the Desert.

Last night as we returned from the pizza forray the Kadizzles came across a rattlesnake warming up on the pavement.  My cousin says kill it, but the snakes kill the rats that eat the wiring in our truck, so we need the snakes.  As much traipsing through the desert as we do the snakes do pose a problem.  This is the time of year when they finally emerge.  After a long winter without a mouse entree they are hungry.  A big fat Kadizzle might look like a double cheeseburger to a hungry snake.

Well today we are going to hustle up to a fire tower in the mountains. There will be snow up there, but no snakes.  If this lump of lard makes it to the top again we will sit in the giant chairs made of stone.  Someone built a whole set of furniture from huge stones near the fire tower.  It looks just like flintstone furniture.  You could probably get fundamentalist to believe biblical giants once had coffee there.

At this very instant the sun is just busting over the horizin.  Any moment Kadizzle will get the blast right in the eyes.  Here goes, got to get up and pull the curtain.  Of course we are getting up to date.  The New York Times has a nice article with pictures on Cuba. The Kadizzles are hoping for a trip to Cuba next winter.

In the background the radio is doing a thing on Trump in Phoenix.  The rodent Trump, or as the Mexicans call him "El Diablo" The Devil.  Indeed the devil would come to Arizona to court the right wing dingers.  The Mexicans are like bees upset with the rat.  Hate and bigotry is what they are saying Trump sells, how correct.  What a sad state our nation has reached.  People no longer read, or think.  Amerians live on a diet of emotions only.

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