Monday, February 04, 2013

Life on the Salt River

A short while ago much to our discontent Ax Handle pulled up.   It looked like he was going to park to close for comfort so Lord Kadizzle told him his RV was messing up the WiFi.  It must have worked Ax Handle left. He came back, but put some distance between us.

The Commander and Lord Kadizzle mounted up the Yamaha with hiking gear and took of for the Goldfields.  We hiked about three miles and come across a spot where mountian lions apparently have been doing their kitty litter act.

A strange coincidence occurred as we walked back to the motorcycle.  The Kadizzles were discussing what they should do if they needed to stay some where for a short time between the scheduled nights we had.  We recalled an old friend who we met in previous years.  We had not seen him for about two years, but were discussing the merits of asking him if we could park our camper at his home.

Now, here were are on a very remote road in the absolute middle of nowhere, and two guys come peddling by on off road bikes.  Low and behold it is the guy we had just spoken of five minutes earlier. We yelled and he stopped, and without even asking offered to let us park our camper at his house.  Strange world.

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