Friday, February 01, 2013

Axe Handle needed some spices

People get to know each other quickly in campgrounds.  For the last couple years at the Goldfield Campground there was one lone camper known as Axe Handle.  Mr. Handle had a reputation for carrying around an axe handle to resolve any disputes that might arise.  The story was someone came into the campground with a motorcycle and annoyed Ax Handle.  Mr. Handle went after the man on the motorcycle with the axe handle and some how or other law enforcement got involved.

As Kadizzle was talking to another camper the other day Ax Handle walked up.  He looked familiar, but Kadizzle could not quite place him.  Kadizzle knew he had seen him before.  Axhandle was in search of thyme to season his chicken.  Axe did not find any at the first door and he asked me if we had any.  I sent him to see Mrs. Kadizzle and told him to let me know when the chicken was ready.  Handle told me there was only enough for him.  Good move on his part.  Anyway, shortly there after Kadizzle confirmed it was indeed Ax Handle.  Ax Handle hikes with his weapon.  Now one could make a pretty good bet Mr. Handle has some mental issues.  All things considered he is probably harmless and when he takes his medication a fine friendly guy.  Why not let those who wander around in fear carry ax handles.  For the mentally ill this would be a great alternative to giving them guns. 

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