Friday, February 15, 2013

Leaving the Lap of Luxery

Today the Kadizzlites hitch up and move on.  Behind we will leave hot showers for as long as you please, electricity that flows from a wire,  and water that pumps itself right into the camper. 

Our new home will be at Roosevelt Lake.  Kadizzle wants to park on the beach, but The Commander will have none of it.  Hopefully the showers there are improved since they remodeled them, but there will be no water or electricity.

On the up side there are plenty of places to explore and hike.  The biggest problem is the additional altitude.  It may be ten degrees cooler up there.  More than likely the place will be pretty vacant, but at three dollars a day you can hardly do wrong.  TV signals will be sparse or non existent.

The Earth Module was provisioned yesterday and hopefully the Kadizzlites will be well fed. The Commander just said she is making fresh squeezed orange juice for breakfast.

Yesterday a motorcycle in the back of a pickup caught the attention of Kadizzle.  Kadizzle rode his bike to check out the neighbor with a similar set up.  In no time the man came out to see what was up.  Gary came out of his camper and the conversation ensued.

It turned out Gary was on pretty much the same quest the Kadizzles have been on for the last ten years.  Gary says he has been everywhere in Arizona, Colorado, and Utah in the quest for Indian sites.   Gary does a lot of his exploring in the summer months.  This means he can go place we never could in the winter. 

One site Gary gave great acclaim was Goblin Valley.  As we drove home last year The Commander begged Kadizzle to stop there.  As you go North Goblin Valley is right before you hit the interstate west of Grand Junction.  With the horses headed to the barn there was no stopping.

Goblin Valley is so much like so many nice places.  From a distance the area appears blank and lifeless, but when you get close you discover all sorts of things.  Kadizzle remembers thinking the area was hopeless, but after talking to Gary we may hit it on the way home this year.

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