Sunday, October 07, 2012

The Morning Report.

If Kadizzle can get his cycle to start he has been taking a morning ride to check the kingdom.  Hazen is on the edge of the oil boom so BNSF is upgrading the rail siding.  When done it will be longer and have heavy steel. This will accommodate 100 car trains so they can pass in Hazen.  All the oil loaded in the famous North Dakota town of Zap can now make it to your gas tank.

Down by the Knife River the the little Riverside park is being revived.  A new shelter is being built and things are looking up. Houses are still sprouting up.  The oil boom has even created a housing shortage this far East of the big goings on. North of town a little road is being up graded to take care of traffic while they fix highway 200 next summer.  The Cenex can now fuel large trucks with high volume diesel pumps.  Between the tow gas stations in town you can get any kind of junk food you need to shorten your life.

The town itself has elected a new city commission full of the worst sort of Tea Party mentality.  Our good city auditor gave up and left.  The right wing dingers are off to a good start wrecking havoc.

The ex mayor put a sidewalk in front of his daughters house on Third Ave.  This is a main street and it is a sad comment that you cannot get from one end to the other with sidewalks because no one has the guts to enforce the ordinance

It appears there may be a decent crop of pheasants.   Lord Kadizzle made a deal with a guy in New York to send him some pheasant feathers, so Kadizzle needs to pop a few.  Today we will probably go to the boat to finish up winterizing the good ship.

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