Monday, October 01, 2012

A Bum RV

The Bismarck Tribune reports the city will crack down on bums and panhandlers.  In North Dakota it is not much of a problem.  Just like mosquitos the cold weather chases the bums out.  Kadizzle remembers an old article in the New York Times about someone who designed a special shopping cart for bums to live with.  The Shopping cart had a little seat in the front that could keep the bums dry.

While we were in Denver the Kadizzles saw a bum sleeping in a parking lot which happened to be under a bridge.  Sleeping in a parking lot seemed like an ideal way to get run over.  Kadizzle is thinking about designing a bum RV.  A bum RV has to be light,  cheap,  turn into a bed, and ideally would have some amenities.  Solar power is a given.  A can crusher would be nice. Dual purpose cushions for sitting and sleeping will be included.   Perhaps there should be a five gallon bucket for washing, and as a portable toilet.   There could be a small electric heater for plugging in. The challenge for the Bum Rv will be a fun design project.  All ideas are welcome.

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