Thursday, October 11, 2012

Attack of the Potato Heads

One reason Kadizzle likes where he lives is the children in the neighborhood.  Up the street on the North Side are the Potato Heads. There are four Potato Heads.  Last night the oldest boy knocked on the door wanting to sell Kadizzle some popcorn for the Cub Scouts.

The Potato family are great people, but they have a habit of accumulating junk about their house and on the street. The Kadizzles have become frustrated because they parked junk on the boulevard.  Finally they managed to move the old camper and pontoon boat of the public boulevard, but they just cannot manage to get rid of the old blue pickup truck sitting on the street for months.

All of a sudden Kadizzle had a brilliant idea.  Kadizzle told the Potato Head standing at the door Kadizzle would donate $20 if Father Potato head would get the truck off the street before winter set in.  Young Potato was instructed to come back in half hour to collect the cash.  Kadizzle wrote a not to Father Potato about the agreement and put it in an envelope with the money.  Little Potato never returned for the cash.  Kadizzle is puzzled.  Was little Potato confused, did Kadizzle create a diplomatic riff, what happened?  Perhaps today the mystery will be solved.

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