Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Jehad between my legs.

Recently old Lord Kadizzle found out he has prostate cancer.  This is not good news.  The prostate is not in an easy place to get to.  So it looks like in November they will dig deep in Kadizzle to cut out his prostate.  Hopefully this will solve the problem.

Like so many Kadizzle always thought of cancer as a problem someone else has.  Things are different now that Kadizzle knows there is Jehad going on in his prostate.  Now cancer research, and cures seem a lot more important. Sure there are are people in other countries that would like to kill us, but the reality is a lot more of us are going to die a miserable death from the cells in our body that are playing the role of Al Quada.

We don't need more drones in Afghanistan, we need drones in our bloodstream.  As the military pisses away billions on a few misguided Muslims we are being assaulted by the food we eat, the chemicals we are exposed to, and the stuff we smoke.

It is not Muslims that are forcing us to cut out our bowls, cut off our women's breast, and pitch my prostate in the garbage.  If we had better health care, better screening, and better imaging, millions of Americans would have better outcomes.

Our country spends more on our military than the next ten countries combined.  If we fought our real enemy like we fight every imagined threat, life would improve for a lot of people.  Dying is something we all have to do. Dying from curable diseases is a choice Americans have to make.  As the election approaches are we going once more allow the military industrial complex to lie to us, cheat us, and piss away our tax dollars, or are we going to spend the money where we could easily save thousands of lives?  Are we going to continue to get thousands of Americans killed in some foreign country because some hopeless politicians have lied to us? We need to identify our real enemies and one of our worst is the military contractors bleeding us blind while we lack health care, roads, schools, decent housing, and dollars for research.  Ask yourself how many close friends you have that have been killed by Al Quada, then ask yourself how many people you know killed by cancer.  Now, ask where is the real threat?

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