Monday, October 15, 2012

Meet you at the Bus St0p

When you are up and moving things are great, but once your body stops, and you try to resume movement, you realize your age.  Yesterday Kadizzle and The Commander had their first pheasant hunt of the season. Hunting down in the promised land near Mott, North Dakota can be very frustrating.  What was once a glorious pass time for peasants has turned into a rich man's sport.  Now the Mott airport runway has a row of jets parked side by side.  Hunting has become something for the rich.  Common people need not apply.  The frustration comes from driving down the road and seeing fields popping with pheasants, but you cannot hunt them.  The birds are being saved for the rich guy willing to pay 500 dollars a day.   Do the math.  You can shoot three birds legally.  That would come out to over 150 bucks per bird, but that is if you don't put in the cost of jet fuel.  Every field is posted and those farmers who have been getting those nice fat farm subsidy checks are now getting one more.

Such is life.  The Commander and Kadizzle drove to a public area set aside for the peasants.  On the way to the peasant area the pheasants were like grasshoppers, but of course the signs all said " These birds are exclusively for the rich".   It is bad enough to give the rich more tax cuts, but to see them get all the pheasants also is a heart breaker.   When Kadizzle and The Commander got to the public area it was picked clean.  All the peasants were packed in the area and every bird had been shot twice. It was hopeless, so we left.

God does smile on Kadizzle so a blessing came.  The night before as luck would have it Kadizzle and The Commander met the guy who ran the great hunting cabal for the terminally wealthy.  The is an outfit call the " Cannon Ball Company".   They are the Arabs of the Pheasants.  They are the sheiks that control the pheasants.  Our friend said that if we had a problem finding a place to hunt let him know.  Kindly he put us on some good land.

After this diversion it is time to get to the bus stop story.  Shooting a pheasant is fun.  Now, Kadizzle is not really into shooting anything.  Kadizzle is a live and let live person and enjoys wildlife.  Kadizzle gets very pissed when some brave North Dakota hunter shoots a mountian lion and thinks it is wonderful. Leave the damn mountain lions alone.

However, keep in mind pheasants are not native to North America, they are from China.  So when Kadizzle hunts pheasants he puts on his Republican hat.  Now the pheasants are Mexicans coming across the border, or Muslims on jihad, and it is all right to shoot them.

Anyone can shoot a pheasant at a short distance.  My brother in law calls them flying box cars.  The real fun for Kadizzle is to make  a good shot.  A good shot means the bird is going across, or coming overhead toward you.  The trick is to shoot ahead of the bird.  Now this is the skill.  The lead and the pheasant have to meet in the sky at a predetermined place.  This is the "bus stop".   Ideally the bus and the pheasant will get to the bus stop at the same time.  Our gracious host set Kadizzle up in the perfect spot to do some bus stop shootin.   Sure enough The Commander and our host stirred up a pheasant.  As the pheasant came flying overhead from North East to Southwest, Kadizzle was standing South .   Kadizzle yelled  " Meet you at the bus stop" and pulled the trigger.  With joy the pheasant met the bus, and Kadizzle was well pleased.  The chicken is in the pot.

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